Astounding Science Fiction – January, 1942, Featuring “Breakdown”, by Jack S. Williamson [Hubert Rogers]

“Things change, Kellon.  They either change forward – or back -“

Hubert Rogers’ cover for the January, 1942 issue of Astounding Science Fiction is the perfect visual accompaniment to (or, symbolic reflection of!) Jack Williamson’s fine leading story, “Breakdown”.  A fine example of Williamson’s literary skill, the story is a tale of the collapse of a solar-system spanning civilization due to a coalescence of social, economic, cultural, and technological factors, and the confrontation of the civilization’s de-facto leader – “Boss Kellon” (Harvey Kellon, to be specific) “Executive Secretary of the Union of Spacemen, Managers & Engineers” – with the realization that his preeminence and power have been rendered meaningless by changes that are beyond his control.  Given that the plot and theme are universal in time and place, a story of this nature could in good literary hands be effectively told for any setting.  But, Williamson’s adeptness in combining the theme of interplanetary travel with well-crafted characters, in fast-paced, engrossing prose, makes for an enjoyable read. 

Though not nearly as powerful as the excellent “With Folded Hands” and “…And Searching Mind”, the story has thus far been anthologized nine times. 

The “softness” of the objects in the illustration lend it a dreamlike quality.  This extends from the grayish-blue torpedo-like spacecraft occupying pride-of-place in the center of the painting, to the two hazy, ill-defined moons (or, are they planets?!) floating in the background.  The blues and grays contrast nicely with the red hills in the distance, and, the pale green building – the “Union Tower”? – to the right.  I also like how Rogers created imaginary logos in red for both spacecraft and building, the latter as script. 

If there is a single word for the cover, it would be pensive.

But wait, there’s more!

Breakdown, at…

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