Satellite Science Fiction – June, 1958 (Featuring “Wall of Fire”, by Charles Eric Maine) [Alex Schomburg]

“Science fiction is prophetic, not in the sense that it predicts the future in empirical detail, but in the sense that it understands causality in the longest possible term.” – Thomas F. Bertonneau

I don’t know if Alex Schomburg’s striking cover art actually pertains  to Charles Eric Maine’s story “Wall Of Fire” (well, p r o b a b l y  not…!) but regardless, his dual-sphere spacecraft is strikingly consistent in design to the vehicle that graces the cover of the June, 1957 issue Satellite Science Fiction in my prior post.


In any event, this issue of Satellite Science Fiction is notable as having been the venue of the first American publication of the 1955 novel “Crisis 2000 – as “Wall Of Fire – by British writer Charles Eric Maine (David McIlwain).   The author of at least sixteen novels and  four screenplays, Maine also authored detective thrillers under the pen names Richard Rayner and Robert Wade.