Regeneration, by Pat Barker – 1991 (April, 1992) [Robert Clyde Anderson]

“Robert, if you had any real courage you wouldn’t acquiesce the way you do.”

Graves flushed with anger.
“I’m sorry you think that.
I should hate to think I’m a coward.
I believe in keeping my word.
You agreed to serve, Siegfried.
Nobody’s asking you to change your opinions,
or even to keep quiet about them,
but you agreed to serve,
and if you want the respect of the kind of people you’re trying to influence –
the Bobbies and the Tommies –
you’ve got to be seen to keep your word.
They won’t understand if you turn round in the middle of the war and say
“I’m sorry, I’ve changed my mind.”
To them, that’s just bad form.
They’ll say you’re not behaving like a gentleman –
and that’s the worst thing they can say about anybody.”

– Pat Barker –