Ice Station Zebra, by Alistair MacLean – 1963 [Unknown Artist]

While I can’t pass literary judgement on this novel – not having read it! – as of this posting (March, 2019) it’s received over 15,000 ratings and nearly 250 reviews at GoodReads – most having accorded it very positive reviews.

However, I did see director John Sturges’ cinematic adaptation of the novel shortly after his film’s release in late 1968.  Even then (as a kid), I was strikingly underwhelmed by the film’s plot, pacing, and predictability, and to an extent, its special effects.  This was especially ironic in light of Michael Legrand’s inspiring musical score, which probably (well, for me) was the best part of the movie, if not the only good part of the movie. 

You can view the film’s trailer (from RayRHvids cellar) below, and listen to its musical score here, care of Soundtrack Fred.