Fantasy Crossroads – September, 1978 [Stephen E. Fabian (Based on a sketch by Hannes Bok)]

Though there seems (?!) to be no information about it – online – except for an issue grid, and, issue-by-issue table of contents, at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database, Fantasy Crossroads, published from 1974 through 1979, with a total of 14 issues, appears to have been a very “high-end” fanzine in terms of content, artwork, and physical production.  Only two issues are presently freely available: that of January, 1979 (final issue), that of September, 1978 (13th issue), both via the Luminist Archive.

The cover looks (looks) as it were created by Hannes Bok, but that’s an intentional coincidence.

First of all, Bok passed away in 1964.

Second and all, a close view of the composition reveals the initials BOK / SF in the lower right corner.  That’s because the cover was actually done by illustrator Stephen E. Fabian, “based on a sketch by Hannes Bok.”  In this, Fabian did a wonderful job of creating art very much in the Bok fashion, specifically in the seeming solidity of the woman’s patterned hair, her almost-but-not-completely-elflike and startled appearance, and, the touch of a huge and exaggerated butterfly.

Even more interesting diversions…

Fantasy Crossroads, at…

Internet Speculative Fiction Database

Stephen E. Fabian, at… (his website)

Castalia House

Fancyclopedia 3

Internet Speculative Fiction Database


The Black Gate (“Vintage Treasures: Stephen E. Fabian’s Ladies & Legends”)

Hannes Bok, at…

… Wikipedia


Internet Speculative Fiction Database

American Art Archives

American Fantasy Press (Includes a portrait from the last years of his life)

Comic Art Fans (Superb examples of his work! – at least, as of August, 2022) 

Grapefruit Moon Gallery

The Fanac Fan History Project (“The Hannes Bok Illustration Index”)

Heritage Auctions (Again, wonderful examples of his work, including paper mache! – as of August, 2022)

Hollywood Metal

The Korshak Collection

Pulp Artists


Zenith City Press